Genealogy Software

By Sunil Tanna

Genealogy is the study of ancestors, our ancestors' families, and our family history. Although genealogy is sometimes done for professional reasons, for example by academic historians, for the most part, it is simply a fascinating hobby that engages in many. Who would not want to know who their ancestors were, and what their ancestors did during their lives?

For the most part, genealogical research tends to be advanced by a combination of patience, persistence and thoroughness, rather inspired lightning bolts of genius. It is perhaps for this reason that genealogy tends to be enjoyed most by the kind of people who enjoy this kind of detective work, as well as people who like solving mysteries or puzzles.

However, it would be incorrect to think of genealogy as being stuffy or behind the times - that is certainly not the case. Genealogists have been very adept in apply new technologies such as computers and the Internet, to their passion:

* Many people are aware (for example) of web sites that contain large amounts of searchable information that is of use for genealogists. These web sites may include information gathered from public records and military sources, as well as the results of private research.

* A variety of software is available for genealogists, including of course a range of tools for creating and recording family trees.

* There are also a number of web sites include tutorials and advice for people interested in genealogy. This range from tutorials aimed at total beginners, to more advanced materials which are intended to help a genealogist who thinks that he might perhaps have come to a dead-end in his research.

By S. Tanna. Genealogy Software was first published at

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