Family History

By []Roger Hardieway

The systematic narrative and exploration of bygone events involving a certain family, or definite families compiled chronologically is family history. It is done world wide and the Internet gives us the opportunity to help more people search their family history. The Internet is an unfussy yet effective genomic tool that can gather information on genetic, environmental, behavioral, public, and for investigating social risk factors for diseases among family members. Tracing the illnesses suffered by your parents, grandparents, and other blood relatives can help your doctor predict the disorders to which you may be at risk and take action to keep you and your family healthy. One may be encouraged to include events to credit family members no longer living. A current survey found that 96 percent of Americans consider that knowing their family history is important. In the narrower sense of the term, a family history is a biography of a single family over several generations, based on a tested genealogy and fleshed out with the fuller story of the family's place in wealth and rank. With the advances in technology today scrap booking your family history is becoming a full media event. One of best tools for organizing your family history is the program called Personal Ancestral File. Keep in mind that no one's family history is compelling and interesting, until you make it compelling and interesting. Sharing of genealogy and family history is what makes this and all genealogy / research possible. It has been said that genealogy is the study of family history, while family history is the study of genealogy and everything else--including the background, location, and circumstances of people's lives. (The Department of Health and Human Services is highlighting the importance of family history for disease prevention with the U.S. Surgeon General's Family History Initiative. This initiative has proposed that Thanksgiving Day be designated a National Family History Day in which persons collect their family health histories. A new web-based tool, My Family Health Portrait (, enables persons to collect family history for six diseases (CHD, stroke, diabetes, and colorectal, breast, and ovarian cancer) and identify additional diseases that occur in their families.)

Families and individuals have been passing on their stories about the past by word of mouth from the beginning of time. There are programs available which makes it FUN to trace your family tree. Some can be bought for a price and there are some programs wherein you can search for your family tree for free. Books and internet websites provide family tree charts, genealogy research reports, searches, media, full source citations, and much more. Get busy with your family tree today. It will help you organize your family genealogy research, store your family history data, enter proper source citations, and produce professional-quality family tree charts and genealogy research reports that you can preview and modify, then print or publish on the web on your own genealogy website. How do you choose your family tree software. look up at your library books or periodicals. Search for these titles; Genbox, Legacy , Family Tree Maker,RootsMagic, and other genealogy software programs, and you will understand somewhat how these programs work. Do searches on the internet; enter "genealogy programs" or "family history programs". hopefully, you will discover that some of these programs have all the capabilities that an experienced genealogist would need.

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Roger Hardieway is a retired Engineer and Amateur Radio Operator

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